Before you apply:
1. Snohomish County Fire District 4 is not allowed to issue permits for land clearing fires, agricultural fires, or ceremonial type fires under Department of Ecology rules.
2. A 2001 Department of Ecology regulation designated all Fire Districts west of the Pilchuck River as NO BURN areas, which means the District is unable to issue any burn permits to those that reside in this area. To see if you fall in the "NO BURN" areas (highlighted in YELLOW on the map), follow the Burn Boundary Map below.
Applications will be denied if the burn regulations are not read and all steps are not complete.
Burn Permits are issued Monday - Friday between 7 am and 4 pm.
1.) Burn piles shall ONLY contain NATURAL VEGETATION. No garbage, furniture, etc.
2.) BURN PILES ARE TO BE NO LARGER THAN 4 feet wide BY 4 feet long BY 3 feet high.
3.) Only ONE (1) pile shall be burned at a time and each pile shall be completely extinguished before another is ignited.
4.) PRINT AND SIGN YOUR PERMIT. This permit shall remain on/at the burn site at all times.
If you are unable to email us or print your permit at home, you can still request a permit in person at one of the District 4 stations.
5.) Fires that create a nuisance due to smoke or flying ash MUST be extinguished.
6.) The fire shall be attended at all times by someone who can control and extinguish the fire if required.
7.) Burn only during calm or very light winds and only during the day time.
8.) All piles shall be located a minimum of fifty feet (50') from any structure. This INCLUDES fences, standing timber, and other burn piles.
9.) All burn piles shall have an area cleared to mineral earth around the perimeter of the pile that is equal to or greater than the dimension of the pile.
10.) Attendant shall have readily available five (5) gallons of water in a bucket or a charged hose, near the fire at all times.
11.) Attendant shall have a shovel at the site.
12.) Indicate in the application message box below that you have read the burning regulations. If you do not, the permit will be denied until this step is done.