Pine Avenue -
Civic Campus
Here you will find any and all information on our current progress and operations regarding the Pine Avenue Property. This site is best viewed in DESKTOP MODE.
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JANUARY 10, 2024
Pending approval by the Board of Commissioners at their February 03, 2025 meeting, Snohomish County Fire District #4, anticipates issuing an Advertisement for Bids approximately the week of February 17, 2025 for a single contract that would include a new headquarters Fire Station #41,
associated street and utility infrastructure improvements for a new Snohomish Public Safety & Civic Services Campus, and a new Fire Station #43.
JULY 24, 2024
Plans are being finalized! The District is currently and frequently meeting with the architect to confirm final details and we are planning to break ground and start construction in the first quarter of 2025!
All Fire District training has been completed and for the time being, all of our demolition work is done. We tentatively have construction scheduled for the first quarter in 2025 and demolition may resume then.
While we are making progress towards construction, the lot will be secured by fencing (starting 5/24) and not accessible to the public. The area still has many safety hazards and is not suitable for driving or parking.
Excitement within the District is rising as we take this next big step in the direction of our new station. As we receive draft design templates and sketches, we shall provide them here for the public to see and join in our excitement.
JUNE 1, 2024
District 4, South County Fire & Rescue, and SRFR (Snohomish Regional Fire & Rescue) will continue training at the site through March.
Live Fire Training is scheduled the second week in April.
April 09 = 317 Pine
April 10 = 325 Pine
Approximate Daily Burn Schedule:
7 - 9 am = Check In (Personnel & Apparatus)
9 - 10 am = Ignite & Extinguish = Crews will continually re-ignite and extinguish structures as long as it is safe to do so.
~2 pm = Final Burn = During this last training evolution, the crews will focus on protection mode for the surrounding structures as the house is allowed to burn to the ground
4 - 6pm = Pack Up = Fires will be extinguished and equipment replaced on the apparatus. A fire engine will remain on the scene monitoring the burn site until it is safe to leave.
Overnight = Please call 911 with any concerns about smoke, embers, or flames during the overnight hours.
Smoke & Masks
SCFD4 has complied with all NFPA, Puget Sound Clean Air Agency and City, County and State inspection and permitting standards to ensure that virtually all hazardous materials have been removed from the properties.
Smoke will be produced with this burn, and the department advises you keep windows closed and air circulation units running during burn times.
For added protection, you can obtain a free N95 mask from the Headquarters Station 43 at 1525 Avenue D. Masks are available during regular business hours (7am - 4pm) Monday through Friday.
A Message From Your Water Department
The operation of fire hydrants in your area can produce cloudy or brown water. This happens when high volumes of water are forced through the water pipes.
The City of Snohomish will 'pre-flush' the water pipes in the training area in the weeks prior to the fire to minimize cloudiness in the water. In the event of cloudy water, the city recommends the following:
CLOUDY WATER - is often caused by air bubbles trapped in your water pipes that alter the pressure of the water coming through your faucets. If the cloudiness is caused by Oxygen being forced into the water, the water will calm and clear on its own in a few minutes as the extra oxygen leaves the water.
BROWN WATER - is often caused by the sediments that settle at the bottom of the distribution pipe being disturbed by the high pressure and volume of water coming through the pipes. These sediments mostly include iron and manganese from the corrosion on pipes and valves. Although iron and manganese do not pose health concerns, they can affect the aesthetic of the water. If you notice brown water, it is best to refrain from using water for about an hour or so to allow the system a chance to settle. It is also advisable to disconnect the ice cube maker in your refrigerator to avoid brown ice cubes. After an hour, run the COLD water in your bathtub to see if the brown clears quickly. You may also want to run an empty cycle in the clothes washer to prevent the possibility of deposits or staining.
Further questions can be directed to the City of Snohomish's Water Quality Control Specialist Kathy Caldwell at 360-282-3165 or
SCFD4 is aware the burn sites are 2 blocks away from the Pilchuck River, and is committed to making sure no water run-off migrates to Cypress Avenue or the River. We have a Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
in place with the City.
04/09/2024 Live Fire Training Begins
02/13/2024 Daily Training Begins
01/20/2024 Property Vacated by Tenants
12/13/2023 Security Fencing in Place
11/20/2023 Property Purchased